Frequently Asked Questions

Why use a travel advisor? Travel advisors make your trips smoother. We spend a lot of time researching, reading about and going to many destinations, so we find the best places for our clients.  Our goal is to find you a place (or places) that work for you depending on your style, people in your party and of course budget.  We book directly with hotels and get you the best rates we can, and try our best to find you perks, and room upgrades.  We always make sure you get VIP service too. 

Do hotels cost more when I book with you? We quote you the best available rate always.  Sometimes you can find deals on 3rd party sites, but then you don’t get our perks, VIP service or love. 

I have the Am Ex Platinum Card, isn’t that the same as you? I also have the Am Ex Platinum card and love it for so many reasons (airport lounges, please) but it is not quite the same as us.  And while they have similar perks to us, they wont give you personalized service the way we will. 

What happens if I want to use points? You are welcome to book a consultation with us, but we cant actually book with points on your behalf.

Will you book air? Yes. We can absolutely book air.

I am still on the fence….I get it.  We have all been there. Check out this article.  And this one, too. 

How do I get started? If you are interested in getting in touch, please fill out the contact form.  I will be in touch to schedule a call, and then we can determine which services you are interested in and take it from there.